related to ecology and environment doesn't only give students a diverse
range of disciplines among which they can choose the best according to one's
choice, but also it provides them opportunity to serve and stay close to the
mother nature. As the concern for clean and better environment is growing
around the globe, the need of large number of environmentalist is also in
demand. Little to wonder, the environment market is worth 800 billion
globally, today.
Some of the the Eco careers one can think of are in the field of
Oceanography, Fishery, Anthropology, Agriculture, Food processing, Dairy
farming, Energy management, Veterinary science, Dietetics and nutrition,
Marine engineering, Environmental engineering, Horticulture, Biotechnology,
Environmental journalism and Eco-tourism.
Through this section, dedicated to persons willing to take environment and
ecology as their career, we endeavour to provide them a critical look at Eco
employment jobs opportunity in India. Along with assuring you that the
section is updated periodically, we hope that this section is going to be
very useful to you.